Plotting and Displaying arrays in real units and scale

Plotting and Displaying arrays in real units and scale

LogScope fiber will be able to transport the metadata directly to LogScope without being entered manually but we wont preclude manual entering or changing. For our future development plans of borehole image processing and full wave sonic processing these also will automatically populate arrays.

The meta data for the arrays is entered manually in LogScope as follows:

1) When an array is added to a plot the user can edit the metadata by selected the title bar and tapping edit. The following menu appears

2) When the configuration menu is tapped you are able to do the following. That is choose raw or axis. If axis is chosen one then has a choice of type.

3) The types of axis available are logarithmic, linear and time (angular will be added when we have the borehole image). If one is using time the format is: 
specified as follows: <YEAR>/<MONTH>/<DAY> <24HOUR>:<MIN>:<SEC>


For example, 2019/07/03 17:04:22


4) When selected the user selects the minimum and maximum value of the array and type - in the example below it is frequency and we have selected logarthmic. These values are applied universally to the array and will exist when the array is called up in a different plot template or same plot template.

5) The final step is to indicate the range to plot. In this case we are doing 2-200hz so the array display is truncated at 200.

Some final notes:

a) We will provide the ability to display tick marks (not implemented cirrently) 
b) The aim is allow user to specify in array once the limits and have flexibility to choose plotted range in real units
c) We needed to address all the scaling as arrays are inherently linear.

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