LogScope is a package developed by Harvey Rock Physics (HRP). The main purpose is to allow importation of a LAS, DLIS or LogScope archive file from email or a cloud based service and allow display, annotation and analysis of the data before exporting as a graphical scaled plot (e.g.: PDF) or as a data store (e.g.: LAS, DLIS and LogScope archive).
The data is stored locally on the Windows or iPad device and the limitation of number of files is governed by the maximum amount of free space on the device.
It is composed of modules and bundles which can be licensed.
These modules are presented in the following easy to identify packages as shown in Table 1.1
Table 1.1 Bundle and Module Selection
The main graphics module reads in a LAS file from email or your favorite cloud service and it automatically loads the file into LogScope using a default template, which can be edited and saved.
The log analysis module permits a basic single zone log interpretation to be performed on the data. Any or all of the steps can be executed provided the appropriate logs are available. HRP recommend that the full log analysis suite be run to achieve a balanced result. Supplementary basic unit conversion and linear and logarithmic functionality is included.
The LAS/CSV export module provides the ability to export or email the results to colleagues as well as export and email custom templates to other users of LogScope.